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  1. Chasing Greatness Conference 2023

    January 10, 2023 by Katherine Seibt

    68 Ventures and Warrior 360 joined forces to host more than 200 local leaders in the community to its Chasing Greatness conference at The Grand Hotel on January 10, 2023.

    The event raised $10,000 for the Palm Project.

    CHASING GREATNESS was created with the goal of bringing together a wide array of leaders across a multitude of industries to learn from the various speakers, foster new relationships, and come away with transformative leadership tools to go out and attack the future.

    In addition to the high-profile speakers, conference organizers were proud to make a $10,000 donation to the Palm Project. The Palm Project is an initiative through the Baldwin County Education Coalition to provide any necessary items needed for Baldwin County students. Composed of committee members, volunteers, and donors, this group recognizes the greatest gift a child can receive is an education.

    Speakers for the day included keynote addresses by Warrior 360 President and Founder Brad Israel and Mark Fernandes of Capitalism 2.0. In addition, two panels were held to enlighten and entertain attendees. The first panel was made up of highly successful leaders from the sports world and included former NFL stars Philip Rivers and Jarret Johnson, David Morris of QB Country and Alabama’s all-time winningest high school football coach, Terry Curtis of UMS-WRIGHT. During this panel, the speakers gave their insights on their leadership skills as it related to their football careers and beyond. The other panel was a business panel featuring several highly respected CEO’s, all with an immense amount of experience overcoming times of chaos to build businesses capable weathering of any storm. In this panel was Adele Hapworth with The American Equity Underwriters, Rodney Pilot of Pilot Catastrophe and Nathan Cox of 68 Ventures. During this business panel, attendees learned how these successful leaders try to impact their companies through employee leadership and what matters to their employees while keeping an eye on their business procedures and their bottom lines.